Digital tech and connected networks driving success in conservation science and policy

A digital platform to search for schemes, unlock research insights, and visualise connections across amphibian and reptile conservation networks.

Let’s face it, time is always in short supply in conservation. Volunteers juggle surveys with everyday life, fitting in field visits around work and family commitments. For NGOs, practitioners and researchers, the challenge is in navigating the complexity of biodiversity data: finding the right recording schemes, reliable datasets, or aligning data with project goals. Imagine painstakingly piecing together species trends only to be stalled by missing data, outdated information, or duplication between sources.

Amphibians and reptiles are underrepresented in biodiversity datasets, leaving critical gaps in understanding their population trends in the UK. Limited evidence makes it challenging to assess their status or respond to threats effectively. Yet, policy and legal protections rely on data to guide decisions and prioritize conservation actions.

Extending the reach of data is important, but the real challenge is finding the right platform to share insights, collaborate, and scale up efforts to amplify conservation science and policy impact.

Unlock conservation potential with digital solutions

Find schemes easily

Browse the directory for scheme profiles, explore an interactive map by region, or navigate the network to discover related projects and connections.

Amplify impact

Showcase achievements in news stories, attract funding and volunteers, and find opportunities on the community hub.

Turn data into action

Keep up to date with research, insights and tools to make informed decisions and deliver better biodiversity outcomes.

Find schemes easily

Browse the directory for  scheme profiles, explore an interactive map by region, or navigate the network to discover related projects and connections.

Amplify impact

Showcase achievements in news stories, attract funding and volunteers, and find opportunities on the community hub.

Turn data into action

Keep up to date with research, insights and tools to make informed decisions and deliver better biodiversity outcomes.

A digital platform to search for schemes, unlock research insights, and discover tools to make meaningful connections across amphibian and reptile conservation networks. It’s not just a resource; it’s a community of conservationists united by a shared purpose. This platform aims to strengthen the role of amphibian and reptile data in conservation science and policy, helping monitoring efforts to grow and thrive.

Beta testing is underway for our digital toolkits

Explore our digital toolkits

Scheme directory

Find and explore detailed profiles of UK recording schemes, groups and datasets.

draft regional map

Regional map

Locate active groups and projects by region.

Interactive network

Visualise connections between schemes and related projects.

Research digest

Browse the latest research and access actionable insights.

A woman working from home on her laptop surrounded by plants and books for a cozy office feel.

Community hub

Discover training, jobs, events and connect with partner organisations.

newsletter, news, smartphone


Stay updated on the latest news, insights and opportunities from the network.

Close-Up Shot of a Frog

Features in the pipeline

Features and services we are working towards someday, maybe…

Be the first to access the toolkits—join the waiting list now!

© 2024 newt connections
